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March 12 2014

PCL! P C L - Pancakes Cotton Laundry baby!

Ok, we probably wont get PCL to stick like GTL did with Jersey Shore, but that might not be a bad thing ;) Who misses that show? I think it had great depth, a riviting plot that kept you on the edge of your seat wanting to watch more. I hear they are trying to find something else to replace it. Anyways....

Here are the winners!!!

The winners are in and well, if you see your tweet here, email tshirts@pancakeapp.com with the content of your tweet and we'll get your info.

For those who have been chosen based on the affiliate link, we'll be emailing you later today.

Awww shucks, I dont think an artisianal goose has ever said anything as nice as that to use before.

Promise? Should we send two or are you just going to turn it inside out every couple days?

If you're Canadian, we're definately worth all the nickels.

Didn't win a shirt? Shucks. Well, tell us on twitter (and follow us ofcourse! @pancakeapp) about something awesome you built lately and maybe we can work something out ;)