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July 3 2012

Pancake in your Dock


Pancake in your Dock

Pancake user @ilmv reminds us of a neat trick for adding Pancake to your Mac's dock. You will be able to access your Pancake install with a single click.

Create an app with Fluid

Using a Site Specific Browser app like Fluid for Mac (free), you can load a single website in a browser from your dock. Here are the instructions Fluid:

  1. Download and install Fluid
  2. Start Fluid. Enter your Pancake URL (not forgetting /admin at the end)
  3. Click on the Icon dropdown and click Other...
  4. Navigate to the third_party folder of your Pancake application
  5. Select the default_logo.png file & click Create
  6. Once created, click Launch Now
  7. Right-click the dock icon and go to Options > Keep in Dock

Does anyone have similar tricks, or a solution for Windows? If so, feel free to tweet @pancakeapp