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August 6 2016

Pancake 4.12.0 Released

You can now charge clients automatically! If your clients pay you with Stripe, Pancake will allow you to charge them automatically when the invoice is due. You can also charge them automatically for any invoice, at any time, with just one click. For this to work, they'll have to pay you at least once through Stripe. Once they've paid through Stripe, Pancake will be able to ask Stripe to charge them again whenever you want to.

You can now use S3 to store Pancake uploads!

If you use PayPal and they have been sending you emails about upgrading their infrastructure, you don't need to worry - Pancake is up to date and will continue to work without any problems.

To force your copy of pancake to check for a new update please go to Settings -> Update and click "Check for updates".