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September 4 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Pancake store!

I've very pleased today to announce the deployment of the Pancake store!!!!

The Pancake store allows developers and designers to develop plugins, modules, gateways and themes and make them available through the Store for Pancake users to install from within their Pancake installation.

No longer do you have to worry about installing or maintaining the theme or plugin that you want, clicking a button from within your Pancake will do that automatically for you.

You can browse the entire Pancake store from within your Pancake installation, no need to manually upload anything you see there, just click it and let Pancake do it for you.

For developers this means ridiculously easy deployment and maintenance of your plugin or theme by taking advantage of our update system, freeing you from worrying about distribution and updates. This also means that you will be able to charge a reasonable amount for your hard work (or free if you choose) and we'll look after the billing for you.

This really is a massive update to Pancake, no longer are you bound by the core functionality of Pancake, you are able to customize your installation to suit the needs of your business with ease!

Our goal is to foster a very strong development community around our platform and we will do anything we can to help promote that growth. Over the coming few weeks you will see many items added to that store and many updates to the store itself. Be it a simple plugin to customize PDF filenames or an expansive module to handle ordering of physical goods, the possibilities for addons are endless.

This has been an incredible past few weeks, something we've been working very hard on and we've had our heads down to accomplish. We know how amazing this is going to be for our users and developers.

So without further ado, go update your Pancake Beta 4 to build .40 from the update menu and try it out!

For developers who are interested in developing for Pancake, please see this forum thread