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March 4 2014

You get Pancakes! You get Pancakes! Everybody gets Pancakes!

Today is Pancake day and to celebrate we're hooking you up with T-shirts and money!!!!

Contrary to what @thatleeguy believes Pancake day was not created for Pancake App, however we're not going to tell him as he's hooking people up with t-shirts.

So here's how it's going to go down!

And awesomely!!!

Should you make a sale using your affiliate link between now and March 31st 2014 we'll send a shirt your way in addition to the 30% commission you'll make. You can retrieve your affiliate link by logging into affiliate account, if you need help with that check out Account area help.

Easy! Like Pancakes!!!

Thanks for being awesome, we couldn't do this without you.

Rules: Yes, we have to have rules, sorry... we'll keep them short.

Limit of 1 shirt per person.
Affiliate link usage rules apply..
Shirts will be delivered 6-8 weeks after first sale. We're in Canada so this may take a bit longer as shipping here is hard to begin with, we'll ship them as soon as we can. Promise.
Contest closes at 11:59PM MST March 5th 2014, so get in before then. Affiliate shirt promo ends at 11:59PM MST March 31th 2014.
We can decide to stop this contest or change the rules at any time. If we do, we'll post them on this page.