August 22 2012
Help us build our knowledge base
One of the more curious parts of our Support is how apologetic customers can be about their own perceived shortcomings - lack of techincal expertise, customized server setups and less than desirable web hosts.
We look at it a different way. For each person who highlights some awkward issue, we can be sure there were many more with the same problem who stayed quiet, convinced themselves it was their own fault in some way and moved on.
For that reason, we're trying hard to build up our Knowledge Base, complete with those little tweaks and oh-I-didn't-realise-that-was-there answers that can add up to a whole lot more pleasurable experience when working with Pancake. So if you have a question, ask! We're available via email and live chat 7 days a week.
Some of the more popular questions recently have been: